Things to do when planning to run/walk in a racing event:
- If this is your first attempt at running/walking in a racing event, you are encouraged to go see your family physician and get an opinion about your health and what you need to do to have a successful experience.
- If you are a seasoned runner/walker, you are also encouraged to go see your doctor “to make sure everything is running well under the hood.”
- Make sure you have secure footwear and weather appropriate clothing.
- Make sure you are hydrated before the event. This means drinking lots of water in the 24 hours before the event.
- Have identification on you, including information about possible medical issues.
- Get to know your body. Pushing through discomfort is very different from feeling pain. Be mindful when your body is hurting.
- Running is a social sport. We encourage you to run with friends and/or a club to learn tips, a boost of motivation, and to enjoy the camaraderie of running/walking with others.
Before and during our event:
- Warm-up.
- Don't try something you have never tried before (e.g., a new running style).
- Use the headlights properly.
- Listen to Race Marshalls during the event.
Event Alert System
The EAS is a color-coded classification that broadcasts the risk level of course conditions leading up to and on race day. The levels range from low (green) to moderate (yellow) to high (red) to extreme (black) based on a variety of factors. (See chart below for further explanation.) This system is mainly used to reflect weather conditions but can also be used to alert runners and volunteers of any possible race concerns that may occur.
The appropriate flag colour will be displayed at the registration desk on the event day to reflect current conditions.